### Reference [《TWENTY FIVE》 from Randall Degges blog](https://www.rdegges.com/2013/twenty-five/) #### Be Understanding Every single person is different in some way. Each person was born into some circumstances out of their control, and their life experiences shaped them into who they are. This means that no matter how you see the world – what you think is right, what you think is wrong, what you like, what you don’t like – other people will see things differently, and there’s no changing that. Given that everyone lives in their own little world, you should be understanding and compassionate towards others. If someone does something rude to you, don’t feel offended – just realize that each person is who they are, and try to accept them the way they are. There’s no point in trying to change people or convince them to act a certain way. If people want to change, they’ll do it of their own accord. So be understanding. #### Don’t Waste Your Time On People You Don’t Like - 阅读剩余部分 -
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### 注册PayPal账号 注册没什么好说的了,网上都是方法,这里就直接借鉴参考B站上 [Jump游戏](https://space.bilibili.com/321899908) 的教程,[【重要】成功注册台湾PayPal唯一有效的办法!亲测可行!](https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv6390869/) ### 绑定大陆手机号 关键点来了,PayPal已改版,按照原教程的方法是没办法直接绑定大陆手机号的,现在的绑定页面已经没办法选择号码地区了,所以原教程的验证手机号这步已经不可行了。 ![20210521000131.png](https://storage.liesauer.net/2021/05/229035341.png) - 阅读剩余部分 -
### 前提条件 1. Switch连接的WIFI与电脑处于同一个网络中(同一台路由),本文不进行跨网段这种讨论。 ### 查看Baacloud本地代理端口 我们开启Baacloud后,可以在`系统设置->网络和 Internet->代理`很方便直接看到Baacloud所使用的本地代理端口,注意:一般来说都是`25378`,或者是往后几个端口,我这里是`25379`。 - 阅读剩余部分 -
### 场景 当前在A分支,要求将当前分支的提交合并到B分支。 ### 常规合并 ```shell # 暂存当前未提交的改动 git stash -m "xxx" # 切换到B分支 git checkout B # 合并A分支到当前分支(即B分支) git merge A # 推送提交 git push origin B:B # 切换回A分支 git checkout A # 取出暂存的改动继续工作 git stash pop ``` 这种常规合并的操作方式不仅繁琐,而且要求当前分支不能有未提交的更新(意味着如果有未提交的改动,你必须先进行`stash`,否则无法切换分支),还有一个问题就是我们的项目是做了文件改动后自动增量编译的,意味着这一系列操作将会触发两次重编译(两次`checkout`),浪费大量的时间。 ### 快速合并 ```shell # 直接将当前分支合并到B分支 git push . HEAD:B # 推送提交 git push origin B:B ``` 这种常规合并的方式不需要任何的暂存、切换分支操作,也不会触发重编译,可节省大量时间。但是这种方式也有缺点,首先只支持`fast-forward`模式的合并,如果非`fast-forward`模式则需要先将B分支合并到当前分支,这样子就会对当前分支有侵入,其次用这种`push`的方式合并在`reflog`是不会有记录的,所以以后如果要回退,就不容易找到对应位置的`commit id`。如果你确定要合并的提交不会造成冲突且不会造成大的影响,可以使用这种方式合并。
mclone 体验飞一般的clone速度 ### 对比 #### git clone ![git_clone.gif](https://storage.liesauer.net/2021/03/2885816450.gif) #### git mclone ![git_mclone.gif](https://storage.liesauer.net/2021/03/3521721393.gif) ### 限制 1. 仓库大小(仅Proxy):`<500M` 2. LFS支持:`未知` ### 项目地址 [nulastudio/mclone](https://github.com/nulastudio/mclone) ### 使用 `git clone`换成`git mclone`,完事 ### 安装 #### Windows cmd ```shell powershell Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(\"https://gitee.com/liesauer/mclone/raw/v1.5.1/script/install.ps1\") ``` powershell ```shell Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("https://gitee.com/liesauer/mclone/raw/v1.5.1/script/install.ps1") ``` #### Linux/MacOS curl ```shell sudo bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gitee.com/liesauer/mclone/raw/v1.5.1/script/install.sh)" ``` wget ```shell sudo bash -c "$(wget https://gitee.com/liesauer/mclone/raw/v1.5.1/script/install.sh -O -)" ``` ### 卸载 #### Windows cmd ```shell powershell Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(\"https://gitee.com/liesauer/mclone/raw/v1.5.1/script/uninstall.ps1\") ``` powershell ```shell Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("https://gitee.com/liesauer/mclone/raw/v1.5.1/script/uninstall.ps1") ``` #### Linux/MacOS curl ```shell sudo bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gitee.com/liesauer/mclone/raw/v1.5.1/script/uninstall.sh)" ``` wget ```shell sudo bash -c "$(wget https://gitee.com/liesauer/mclone/raw/v1.5.1/script/uninstall.sh -O -)" ```