### 前言 长话短说,在Win10中是没办法将网易邮箱大师设置为默认邮件客户端的,所以特意写了个小工具。 ![20211231183951.png](https://storage.liesauer.net/2021/12/792119888.png) ### 工具下载 下载解压后,直接打开点击按钮即可一键完成! ![20211231201645.png](https://storage.liesauer.net/2021/12/2622874739.png) 下载链接↓↓↓ [网易邮箱大师默认客户端v1.0.zip](https://storage.liesauer.net/MailMasterDefaultClient/MailMasterDefaultClient%20v1.0.zip) ### 问题定位 通过百度发现,这个问题早在几年前就已经存在了,翻到的帖子最早在2017年就有相关反馈,但是居然在全网都找不到解决方法!几年了!所以决定自己研究一番这个问题。 - 阅读剩余部分 -
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### 安装或启动卡在`[EB|#LOG: EXITBS:START]` 1. `VBoxManage modifyvm "VM Name" --cpu-profile "Intel Core i7-6700K"` 2. 更新VirtualBox至最新版 ### 无法进入`recovery` 1. ~~`sudo nvram recovery-boot-mode=unused && sudo shutdown -r now`~~(执行后无限重启,进入`BIOS`后啥也没做又能进去了,吓死) 2. ~~启动后按`Esc`进入系统自带的`recovery`分区~~(没找到`boot文件`) 3. 使用别人制作好的`recovery`镜像并挂载使用其启动(网上就很容易找到) - 阅读剩余部分 -
### 必需前提 1. 可用节点代理 2. 任意有`socks5协议`代理功能的代理软件(本文使用`v2rayN V4.20`做示例) 3. 任意有`TAP模式`的代理软件(本文使用`SSTap V1.0.9.7`做示例) ### v2rayN设置 - 阅读剩余部分 -
最近买了一只OPPO Watch 2,然后想安装一下Android Studio玩一玩,安装完后打开发现报了个Start Failed的错误,而且具体的报错信息是空的,如下图。 ![QQ截图20210817091823.png](https://storage.liesauer.net/2021/08/944656270.png) 这时候请到万能的百度,查出来的解决方法几乎这样的: 1. 打开Android Studio安装目录 2. 编辑`idea.properties`文件 3. 添加`disable.android.first.run=true`配置 4. 保存重启Android Studio 但是很遗憾,这个解决方法应该是用来解决连不上`Google`而启动报错的问题,但是我几乎是全程挂着梯子的,所以和这个问题无关,因此这个解决方案也应该无效的(验证过确实无效)。 既然度娘不行,我又用Bing搜了一下,正好搜到一篇文章,里面的问题和我类似,都是空白提示- 阅读剩余部分 -
### Reference [《TWENTY FIVE》 from Randall Degges blog](https://www.rdegges.com/2013/twenty-five/) #### Be Understanding Every single person is different in some way. Each person was born into some circumstances out of their control, and their life experiences shaped them into who they are. This means that no matter how you see the world – what you think is right, what you think is wrong, what you like, what you don’t like – other people will see things differently, and there’s no changing that. Given that everyone lives in their own little world, you should be understanding and compassionate towards others. If someone does something rude to you, don’t feel offended – just realize that each person is who they are, and try to accept them the way they are. There’s no point in trying to change people or convince them to act a certain way. If people want to change, they’ll do it of their own accord. So be understanding. #### Don’t Waste Your Time On People You Don’t Like - 阅读剩余部分 -